Why Become a SPonsor

Our club is an official Australian incorporated association and not-for-profit organisation; in addition to being an official AC Milan Fan Club. We exist for our members and are led by a committee of dedicated volunteers.

We host regular live events and online promotions. We include sponsor logos on each unique event graphic and sponsors have the opportunity to sponsor raffle prizes.

Sponsorship pack

Premium Sponsor

A premium sponsorship provides  greater levels of exposure, including:

  • Signage + distribution of promotional items at club events / membership packs (sponsor’s discretion)
  • Official Signed AC Milan Jersey for your business (player of your choice)
  • Naming rights to a club event

Regular sponsorships start with exposure to club members across our social media channels, club events and communications strategy.

Can't sponsor us but want to get involved?

What is the casciavit club reward program?

The Casciavit Club is designed to give members benefits across Melbourne by linking up with partner businesses.

If you or your business are interested in taking part please get in touch.