Milan Club Melbourne AGM details confirmed

Milan Club Melbourne AGM  details confirmed

Date: 17-09-2024.

Time: 19:00pm AEST.

Location: Brunetti Classico 380 Lygon Street Carlton.

We would like to invite you to attend and join us for dinner at our AGM meeting. 

The AGM is set out to be a celebration of the year that has been and to look forward to the future. We will also be confirming committee members and roles for the year. 

At the meeting, a series of changes to the existing rules of the association will be voted on via special resolution. A special resolution will pass if:

  • at least 75 per cent of the members who vote at the meeting vote in favour of the resolution to change the rules, and
  • any further requirements of the existing rules (if any) are met.

Members may appoint another member as a proxy for the meeting.

The proposed changes are.

Part 1 Section 2:
To engage Milan supporters in the Melbourne community. To be a point of reference to members and potential members. We want to be a credible and reliable news source for all Milan fans - worldwide.

Proposed Change:
The Milan Club Melbourne unites AC Milan fans across Melbourne and around the world.

We strive to create unforgettable experiences for our members locally, while building our reputation globally to improve our club’s offering.

Our primary operations involve events that celebrate and unite like-minded fans of AC Milan and connect Australians to Italian culture and Italians to Australian culture.

Our club is run by our members, for our members, and has prospered since 2017.


Part 3 Section 9:
Application for membership
(1) To apply to become a member of the Association, a person must submit a written application to a committee member stating that the person—
(a) wishes to become a member of the Association; and
(b) supports the purposes of the Association; and
(c) agrees to comply with these Rules.
(2) The application—
(a) must be signed by the applicant; and
(b) may be accompanied by the joining fee.
Note: The joining fee is the fee (if any) determined by the Association under rule 12(3).

Proposed Change:
To become a member of the Association, a person must purchase a membership valid for the duration of the season for which it is purchased, rather than a fixed 12-month period.

(a) The person must support the purposes of the Association; and.

(b) The person must agree to comply with these Rules.

The joining fee is the fee (if any) determined by the Association under rule 12(3).


Part 3 Section 10:
(1) As soon as practicable after an application for membership is received, the Committee must decide by resolution whether to accept or reject the application.
(2) The Committee must notify the applicant in writing of its decision as soon as practicable after the decision is made.
(3) If the Committee rejects the application, it must return any money accompanying the application to the applicant.
(4) No reason need be given for the rejection of an application.

Proposed Change:
Membership may be declined and refunded within 30 days of registration at the discretion of the majority of the Committee.


Part 3 Section 11:
(1) If an application for membership is approved by the Committee—
(a) the resolution to accept the membership must be recorded in the minutes of the committee meeting; and
(b) the Secretary must, as soon as practicable, enter the name and address of the new member, and the date of becoming a member, in the register of members.
(2) A person becomes a member of the Association and, subject to rule 13(2), is entitled to exercise his or her rights of membership from the date, whichever is the later, on which—
(a) the Committee approves the person's membership; or
(b) the person pays the joining fee.

Proposed Change:
Once a membership is formalised, the Secretary will—
(a) ensure accurate transription of personal details into the database
(2) A person becomes a member of the Association and, subject to rule 13(2), is entitled to exercise his or her rights of membership from the date, whichever is the later, on which—
(a) the Committee approves the person's membership; or
(b) the person pays the joining fee.


Part 3 Section 12:
(1) At each annual general meeting, the Association must determine—
(a) the amount of the annual subscription (if any) for the following financial year; and
(b) the date for payment of the annual subscription.
(2) The Association may determine that a lower annual subscription is payable by associate members.
(3) The Association may determine that any new member who joins after the start of a financial year must, for that financial year, pay a fee equal to—
(a) the full annual subscription; or
(b) a pro rata annual subscription based on the remaining part of the financial year; or
(c) a fixed amount determined from time to time by the Association.
(4) The rights of a member (including the right to vote) who has not paid the annual subscription by the due date are suspended until the subscription is paid.

Proposed Change:
(1) Association membership subscription fees are to be decided by the committee on a vote, requiring a majority of 75%.

Part 3 Section 13:
(1) A member of the Association who is entitled to vote has the right—
(a) to receive notice of general meetings and of proposed special resolutions in the manner and time prescribed by these Rules; and
(b) to submit items of business for consideration at a general meeting; and
(c) to attend and be heard at general meetings; and
(d) to vote at a general meeting; and
(e) to have access to the minutes of general meetings and other documents of the Association as provided under rule 75; and
(f) to inspect the register of members.
(2) A member is entitled to vote if—
(a) the member is a member other than an associate member; and
(b) more than 10 business days have passed since he or she became a member of the Association; and
(c) the member's membership rights are not suspended for any reason.

Proposed Change:
(1) A member of the Association who is entitled to vote has the right—
(a) to receive notice of general meetings and of proposed special resolutions in the manner and time prescribed by these Rules; and
(b) to submit items of business for consideration at a general meeting; and
(c) to attend and be heard at general meetings; and
(d) to vote at a general meeting; and
(e) to have access to the minutes of general meetings and other documents of the Association as provided under rule 75; and
(2) A member is entitled to vote if—
(a) the member is a member other than an associate member; and
(b) more than 30 business days have passed since he or she became a member of the Association; and
(c) the member's membership rights are not suspended for any reason.

Part 3 Section 17
A member may resign by notice in writing given to the Association.
Note: Rule 74(3) sets out how notice may be given to the association. It includes by post or by handing the notice to a member of the committee.
(2) A member is taken to have resigned if—
(a) the member's annual subscription is more than 12 months in arrears; or
(b) where no annual subscription is payable—
(i) the Secretary has made a written request to the member to confirm that he or
she wishes to remain a member; and
(ii) the member has not, within 3 months after receiving that request, confirmed in
writing that he or she wishes to remain a member.

Proposed Change:
A member may resign by notice in writing given to the Association.
Note: Rule 74(3) sets out how notice may be given to the association. It includes by post or by handing the notice to a member of the committee.
(2) A member is taken to have resigned if—
(a) the member's annual subscription is more than 12 months in arrears; or
(b) where no annual subscription is payable—
(i) the member has not renewed their membership within 3 months of the following membership campaign beginning.


Part 3 Section 18
Register of members
(1) The Secretary must keep and maintain a register of members that includes—
(a) for each current member—
(i) the member's name;
(ii) the address for notice last given by the member;
(iii) the date of becoming a member;
(iv) if the member is an associate member, a note to that effect;
(v) any other information determined by the Committee; and
(b) for each former member, the date of ceasing to be a member.
(2) Any member may, at a reasonable time and free of charge, inspect the register of members.
Note: Under section 59 of the Act, access to the personal information of a person recorded in the register of members may be restricted in certain circumstances. Section 58 of the Act provides that it is an offence to make improper use of information about a person obtained from the Register of Members.

Proposed Changes:
(1) The Secretary must keep and maintain a register of members that includes—
(a) for each current member—
(i) the member's name;
(ii) the address for notice last given by the member;
(iii) the date of becoming a member;
(iv) if the member is an associate member, a note to that effect; and
(v) any other information determined by the Committee
Under section 59 of the Act, access to the personal information of a person recorded in the register of members may be restricted in certain circumstances. Section 58 of the Act provides that it is an offence to make improper use of information about a person obtained from the Register of Members.


Part 4 Section 30:
Annual general meetings
(1) The Committee must convene an annual general meeting of the Association to be held within 5 months after the end of each financial year.
(2) Despite subrule (1), the Association may hold its first annual general meeting at any time within 18 months after its incorporation.
(3) The Committee may determine the date, time and place of the annual general meeting.
(4) The ordinary business of the annual general meeting is as follows—
(a) to confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting and of any special general meeting held since then;
(b) to receive and consider—
(i) the annual report of the Committee on the activities of the Association during
the preceding financial year; and
(ii) the financial statements of the Association for the preceding financial year
submitted by the Committee in accordance with Part 7 of the Act;
(c) to elect the members of the Committee;
(d) to confirm or vary the amounts (if any) of the annual subscription and joining fee.
(5) The annual general meeting may also conduct any other business of which notice has been given in accordance with these Rules.

Proposed Change:
Annual general meetings
(1) The Committee must convene an annual general meeting of the Association to be held.
within 5 months after the end of each financial year.
(2) Despite subrule (1), the Association may hold its first annual general meeting at any time.
within 18 months after its incorporation.
(3) The Committee may determine the date, time and place of the annual general meeting.
(4) The ordinary business of the annual general meeting is as follows—
(a) to confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting and of any special general meeting held since then;
(b) to receive and consider—
(i) the annual report of the Committee on the activities of the Association during the preceding financial year; and
(ii) the financial statements of the Association for the preceding financial year submitted by the Committee in accordance with Part 7 of the Act;
(c) to elect the members of the Committee;
(d) Confirm the previous year’s annual subscription amount (if any) and refund any discrepancy to members; and
(5) The annual general meeting may also conduct any other business of which notice has been given in accordance with these Rules.

Part 4 Section 36:
(1) No business may be conducted at a general meeting unless a quorum of members is present.
(2) The quorum for a general meeting is the presence (physically, by proxy or as allowed under rule 35) of 10% of the members entitled to vote.
(3) If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes after the notified commencement time of a general meeting—
(a) in the case of a meeting convened by, or at the request of, members under rule 32—the meeting must be dissolved;
Note: If a meeting convened by, or at the request of, members is dissolved under this subrule, the business that was to have been considered at the meeting is taken to have been dealt with. If members wish to have the business reconsidered at another special meeting, the members must make a new request under rule 32.
(b) in any other case—
(i) the meeting must be adjourned to a date not more than 21 days after the
adjournment; and
(ii) notice of the date, time and place to which the meeting is adjourned must be
given at the meeting and confirmed by written notice given to all members as
soon as practicable after the meeting.
(4) If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes after the time to which a general meeting has been adjourned under subrule (3)(b), the members present at the meeting
3) may proceed with the business of the meeting as if a quorum were present.

Proposed Change:
(1) No quorum of members is required at a general meeting where adequate notice is given.


Part 7 Section 75:
(1) Members may on request inspect free of charge—
(a) the register of members;
(b) the minutes of general meetings;
(c) subject to subrule (2), the financial records, books, securities and any other relevant document of the Association, including minutes of Committee meetings.
Note: See note following rule 18 for details of access to the register of members.
(2) The Committee may refuse to permit a member to inspect records of the Association that relate to confidential, personal, employment, commercial or legal matters or where to do so may be prejudicial to the interests of the Association.
(3) The Committee must on request make copies of these rules available to members and applicants for membership free of charge.
(4) Subject to subrule (2), a member may make a copy of any of the other records of the Association referred to in this rule and the Association may charge a reasonable fee for provision of a copy of such a record.
(5) For purposes of this rule—
relevant documents means the records and other documents, however compiled, recorded or stored, that relate to the incorporation and management of the Association and includes the following—
(a) its membership records;
(b) its financial statements;
(c) its financial records;
(d) records and documents relating to transactions, dealings, business or property of the Association.


Proposed Change:
(1) Members may on request inspect free of charge—
(a) the minutes of general meetings;
(b) subject to subrule (2), the financial records, books, securities and any other relevant.
document of the Association, including minutes of Committee meetings.
Note: See note following rule 18 for details of access to the register of members.
(2) The Committee may refuse to permit a member to inspect records of the Association that relate to confidential, personal, employment, commercial or legal matters or where to do so may be prejudicial to the interests of the Association.
(3) The Committee must on request make copies of these rules available to members and applicants for membership free of charge.
(4) Subject to subrule (2), a member may make a copy of any of the other records of the Association referred to in this rule and the Association may charge a reasonable fee for provision of a copy of such a record.
(5) For purposes of this rule—
relevant documents means the records and other documents, however compiled, recorded or stored, that relate to the incorporation and management of the Association and includes the following—
(a) its financial statements.

Part 8 - Additional Clauses

Part 8 Section 1:
1: Milan Club Melbourne is a member of Milan Clubs Australia.
- 1.1 Milan Clubs Australia is a union of Australian AC Milan Fan Clubs who deal together with the AIMC.
- 1.2 Membership of this group and club representative/s is confirmed each year is decided by the vote of the club committee, requiring a 50% majority.